Be in control with Flexible Portfolios
With Flexible Portfolios, you can pick the asset classes you want, decide their exact allocations, and change them any time.

We’re licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (CE No. BQE542)

Build a portfolio from 60+ asset classes
We’ve curated the best ETFs that represent more than 60 different asset classes ranging from Energy and Emerging Markets to Healthcare, Blockchain, and more. We’ve done the research so you don’t have to.
Build a portfolio from scratch or customise a portfolio from 4 templates
Want to get a quick start to customising your own portfolios? Choose from 4 professionally-curated portfolios, and adjust them as you see fit.
Risk-focused template
Provides globally-diversified exposure aligned to your risk preference.
Great for: building the foundation of your wealth
Passive Income template
Provides exposure to assets that can give regular payouts.
Great for: building a passive income stream
World Index Tracking template
Provides exposure to global markets.
Great for: diversifying across geographies and industries
USD Cash Yield Portfolio
Provides exposure to short-dated US government bonds with maturities between 0 - 3 months.
Great for: protecting against inflation
Reinvest or cash out your dividends with all Flexible Portfolios
Reinvest your dividends and get the most out of your compounded returns over the long term. Or, create a passive income stream by cashing out your dividends. You can cash out your dividends when your portfolio generates a minimum of $120 HK in dividend payouts per month.
Customising is easier than ever
- Build a portfolio from scratch or customize from 4 professionally-curated templates
- Choose your Risk Level
- Add and remove assets you believe in, and change them any time
- No minimums, no lock-ins, no limit to changes

How it works

We believe you should know the risk you’re taking on
Risk Level:
Begin your investment journey
Start investing from as little as you want.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are Flexible Portfolios?
With Flexible Portfolios, you get the freedom to customize portfolios the way you want. You can choose which asset classes to include and adjust their allocations according to your preferences. You’ll also be able to create a portfolio from scratch or start with one of our standard, template portfolios. What’s more? You can edit your Flexible Portfolio anytime, even after it has been created and funded!
How does StashAway manage my Flexible Portfolio?
We manage your portfolio by always maintaining your asset allocations according to the proportions you set. We’ll also notify you if there are any major changes to your Flexible Portfolio’s Risk Level. This means we won’t re-optimise your Flexible Portfolios on your behalf when market conditions change.
How does StashAway rebalance my Flexible Portfolio?
We do this by maintaining the target allocations set by you. When market changes influence the asset allocation of your portfolio, we will re-align it to its target proportion (weightage) by buying and/or selling specific assets. Your portfolio is also rebalanced when you make a deposit, request a partial withdrawal or make a change in the allocations within your portfolio. Rebalancing is important, even if the asset class is performing well because it allows an investor to stay on target with his or her original investing strategy.
Will StashAway re-optimise my Flexible Portfolio?
No. Flexible Portfolios will not be re-optimised by StashAway, so we’ll maintain your asset classes and allocations in the proportions you set them even if there are changes in economic conditions. However, the underlying individual ETFs within each asset class may be subject to being replaced by more cost-efficient or preferable funds in the market.
What is the difference between rebalancing and re-optimisation?
Your Flexible Portfolios will be rebalanced by us, but will not be re-optimised when economic conditions change.
- Rebalancing a portfolio involves maintaining the target allocation set by you. This is done because market movements affect the price of assets, which in turn affects their proportions within your portfolio.
- Re-optimisation refers to the changes we make to other portfolios managed by us, in order to keep our clients’ risk profile constant during shifts in economic conditions. When this happens, we may introduce new ETFs or change the weightage of existing ETFs in your asset allocation.
How does StashAway choose ETFs for each asset class?
We choose the largest, most liquid, most tradable, and most cost-effective ETFs with the lowest tracking error to their indexes, and those with a sufficiently long track record.
We choose simple ETFs, which means they have no leverage or complex payoffs, and have no ETNs to avoid credit risk of issuers. You can find our fund selection criteria here.
Will the underlying ETFs under the asset classes always remain the same?
The underlying ETFs within each asset class may change. Our investment team carefully selects each individual ETF, and they may be replaced by more cost-efficient or preferable funds in the market.
Why can’t I remove cash from my Flexible Portfolio?
We keep at least 1% of your assets in cash for rebalancing and your platform fees.
How many Flexible Portfolios can I create?
It's really up to you! You can create as many Flexible Portfolios as you want depending on your needs and preferences.
What is the minimum allocation per asset class within a Flexible Portfolio?
3% is the minimum.
What’s the minimum amount required to invest in a Flexible Portfolio?
There’s no minimum amount to start investing with Flexible Portfolios.
What are the fees involved in creating a Flexible Portfolio?
Our annual management fee for Flexible Portfolios ranges between 0.2% and 0.8%. There's no minimum investment amount and no subscription fees, switching fees, nor rebalancing fees. Learn more about our pricing here.
What are the Terms and Conditions of the launch promotion for Flexible Portfolios?
With our launch promotion, you’ll get free investing until 30 June 2023 on any fresh funds deposited into Flexible Portfolios. Here are the Terms and Conditions for the promotion:
- There is no voucher code to be applied for this promotion.
- The management fee waiver is valid until 30 June 2023 on any new deposits made into Flexible Portfolios.
- The promotion applies to all new deposits made until 30 June 2023 across any Flexible Portfolios created.
- The promotion is not valid on transfers into Flexible Portfolios from other investment portfolios.
- The promotion will not be valid if funds from other StashAway portfolios are withdrawn to a bank account and then re-deposited into a Flexible Portfolio as fresh funds.
- StashAway reserves the right to make changes to the promotion.
Can I convert an existing portfolio to a Flexible Portfolio?
At present you cannot convert an existing portfolio to a Flexible Portfolio, but don’t worry – we’re working hard to make your customisation experience even more flexible.
How is the Risk Level calculated for Flexible Portfolios?
The Risk Level is a measure of risk, expressed as a percentage, whereby in any given year, there is a 1% probability that you’ll lose more than this percentage in terms of the portfolio’s value. These are the Risk Level brackets for Flexible Portfolios.
- Very Conservative: Up to 7%
- Conservative: 8-13%
- Moderate: 14-19%
- Balanced: 20-25%
- Aggressive: 26-32%
- Very aggressive: 33% and more
For example, if a Flexible Portfolio has a Moderate Risk Level, it means that there is a 1% chance that the portfolio will lose more than 19% of its value in any given year.
Generally, a higher Risk Level percentage denotes a more risky portfolio, and thus should be accompanied with a longer term investment horizon.